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Hi, I’m Karen Wong, founder of Asian Food Lab.

Growing up in a Chinese family with two working parents, I still had healthy, home-cooked meals every night. My parents didn’t use recipes or fancy equipment. They were efficient cooks because they knew how to pick great ingredients, and they tuned their senses to the sights, smells, and sounds of what is ‘right’, instead of blindly following a written formula.

When I started my own family, I realized that cooking this way is key to surviving the (many) rough patches, but also a way to thrive and find joy in making and sharing meals with your loved ones. I started to study this approach - experimenting with my own family and friends, and diligently studying my mom’s ways in the kitchen.

After over 10 years of teaching classes and learning from students, friends, and family, I have created system of cooking strategies that allows healthy food to support you and your life. I teach a way of cooking that reflects our need for flexibility and ease on most days, but also gives us the confidence and skills to be creative and adventurous when we feel up for it.

My wish is for everyone to be able to eat their veggies, every day, with ease and joy.